Creating a Simple Excel Sheet

Creating a Simple Excel Sheet

PowerShell is power full enough to create Excel sheets too. Lets Check it out.

What we are going to do ?
Here we are going to create an excel sheet , which contains the list of running process in a Computer with following fields.

  • Process Name :- Description of the Process.
  • Company:- Company name, Who created the file executing by the process.
  • Name:- Actual  name of the Process.
  • File path:- Path of the executable
  • When Started:- Start time of the process.
How to get list of processes running using PowerShell ?
We use Get-Process cmdlet to get the list of running process in a computer.
PS C:\> Get-Process
Handles  NPM(K)    PM(K)      WS(K) VM(M)   CPU(s)     Id ProcessName
-------  ------    -----      ----- -----   ------     -- -----------
    209      15     3708      11020   102     1.28   1728 AdobeARM
    115       9     1352       6368 ...84     0.05   2708 alg
    529      31    28324      22616 ...45     1.69   4356 ApplicationFrameHost
    404      17     5232      16640 ...56     0.27   4372 browser_broker
    162      10     1652       7296    62     0.09   6676 CAudioFilterAgent64
     53       6     1612        296 ...78     0.05   7588 conhost
     68       8     2268       6840 ...04     0.30   7804 conhost
    355      16     1272       4248 ...07     0.61    584 csrss
    531      18     2080       8572 ...06    13.22   1504 csrss
    165       9     1596       7384    65     0.03   2096 CxAudMsg64
     98       6      908       4564 ...73     0.02   2420 dasHost
    163      11     4032       8432    84     0.13   4168 DCSHelper
    751      49    73608      34940 ...20   351.70   2196 dwm
    946      45    37580      47948   434     2.31   6368 EXCEL
   1690      84    53784      89504 ...22    36.19   4976 explorer
    198      14     4064      11444 ...69     0.38   3520 FlashUtil_ActiveX
     36       8      816       3532 ...08     0.05    856 fontdrvhost
    147      10    17432       7492    87     2.53   2068 HWDeviceService64
    920      52    57544      72836   446     6.39   8092 HxMail
    336      18     5300      17632   119     0.33   3964 HxTsr
      0       0        0          4     0               0 Idle
    162      14    14404      11868 ...27     1.14   4240 ieetwcollector
    921     114    76960      84404   487    38.05    748 iexplore

Above results are the results by default PowerShell gives for Get-Process cmdlet, But we have more
PS C:\> Get-Process|select -First 1|Format-List *

__NounName                 : Process
Name                       : AdobeARM
Handles                    : 209
VM                         : 106840064
WS                         : 10862592
PM                         : 3796992
NPM                        : 15808
Path                       : C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0\AdobeARM.exe
Company                    : Adobe Systems Incorporated
CPU                        : 1.28125
FileVersion                :
ProductVersion             :
Description                : Adobe Reader and Acrobat Manager
Product                    : Adobe Reader and Acrobat Manager
Id                         : 1728
PriorityClass              : Normal
HandleCount                : 209
WorkingSet                 : 10862592
PagedMemorySize            : 3796992
PrivateMemorySize          : 3796992
VirtualMemorySize          : 106840064
TotalProcessorTime         : 00:00:01.2812500
BasePriority               : 8
ExitCode                   :
HasExited                  : False
ExitTime                   :
Handle                     : 1656
SafeHandle                 : Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeProcessHandle
MachineName                : .
MainWindowHandle           : 0
MainWindowTitle            :
MainModule                 : System.Diagnostics.ProcessModule (AdobeARM.exe)
MaxWorkingSet              : 1413120
MinWorkingSet              : 204800
Modules                    : {System.Diagnostics.ProcessModule (AdobeARM.exe), System.Diagnostics.ProcessModule (ntdll.dll), System.Diagnostics.ProcessModule (wow64.dll),
                             System.Diagnostics.ProcessModule (wow64win.dll)...}
NonpagedSystemMemorySize   : 15808
NonpagedSystemMemorySize64 : 15808
PagedMemorySize64          : 3796992
PagedSystemMemorySize      : 210344
PagedSystemMemorySize64    : 210344
PeakPagedMemorySize        : 6316032
PeakPagedMemorySize64      : 6316032
PeakWorkingSet             : 60264448
PeakWorkingSet64           : 60264448
PeakVirtualMemorySize      : 174739456
PeakVirtualMemorySize64    : 174739456
PriorityBoostEnabled       : True
PrivateMemorySize64        : 3796992
PrivilegedProcessorTime    : 00:00:00.3906250
ProcessName                : AdobeARM
ProcessorAffinity          : 3
Responding                 : True
SessionId                  : 2
StartInfo                  : System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
StartTime                  : 9/20/2015 11:20:57 AM
SynchronizingObject        :
Threads                    : {2508, 2208, 4412, 5816...}
UserProcessorTime          : 00:00:00.8906250
VirtualMemorySize64        : 106840064
EnableRaisingEvents        : False
StandardInput              :
StandardOutput             :
StandardError              :
WorkingSet64               : 10862592
Site                       :
Container                  :

So, Selecting the required Properties and Then creating an Excel. Lets go,
$Excel=New-Object -ComObject 'Excel.Application'
Here we created a ComObject for Microsoft Excel and stored it into a variable $Excel

Adds a work book in The new ComObject $Excel

Creates a WorkSheet in The new WorkBook $WorkSheet

Adds the save Location For the excel File.

$WorkSheet.Cells.Item(1,1)='Process Name'
Creates Value for the first cell, First Row of First Column ($WorkSheet.Cells.Item(1,1)='Process Name')



$WorkSheet.Cells.Item(1,4)='File Path'

$WorkSheet.Cells.Item(1,5)='When Started'

The above code stores the properties of UsedRanges to $ColumnInfo

Sets the BackGround color of the UsedCells( Here its the first row of first 5 Columns.)

Sets the ForeGround color of the UsedCells( Here its the first row of first 5 Columns.)

Sets Font to Bold

Sets the Value if the Variable $RowNum to 2(is used as incrementing variable Later and represents Row number)
Storing Properties of Cells to the new variable named Cells.

here We Creates a function which is responsible for storing value in respective cells based on conditions and modifies the border of each cell.
This function contains three parameters,
  • $Item :- Receives the value for selected the Property for each process.
  • $Row  :- Receives the Row number.
  • $Col  :- Receives the Column number.
function EditCell ($Item,$Row,$Col)

  $Cells.Item($Row,$Col)=if ($Item -eq $null){'No Description';$Cells.Item($Row,$Col).font.colorindex=38}
  $Cells.Item($Row,$Col).borders.weight = 4

EditCell -Item $_.Description -Row $RowNum -Col 1
Above line Calls the function by passing the parameters.

EditCell -Item $_.Company -Row $RowNum -Col 2

EditCell -Item $_.Name -Row $RowNum -Col 3

EditCell -Item $_.Path -Row $RowNum -Col 4

EditCell -Item $_.StartTime -Row $RowNum -Col 5

Incremets the row

Sets entire column to Autofit.

Saves the WorkBook to Predefined Location


Complete Script,

$Excel=New-Object -ComObject 'Excel.Application'




# $WorkSheet.Cells.Item(row number,column number)
$WorkSheet.Cells.Item(1,1)='Process Name'



$WorkSheet.Cells.Item(1,4)='File Path'

$WorkSheet.Cells.Item(1,5)='When Started'

$ColumnInfo=$worksheet.UsedRange # All ready used calomns






function EditCell ($Item,$Row,$Col)

$Cells.Item($Row,$Col)=if ($Item -eq $null){'No Description';$Cells.Item($Row,$Col).font.colorindex=38} else {$Item}

$Cells.Item($Row,$Col).borders.weight = 4

}# Function that changes cell Color,Adds Cell value based on condition and border


EditCell -Item $_.Description -Row $RowNum -Col 1

EditCell -Item $_.Company -Row $RowNum -Col 2

EditCell -Item $_.Name -Row $RowNum -Col 3

EditCell -Item $_.Path -Row $RowNum -Col 4

EditCell -Item $_.StartTime -Row $RowNum -Col 5






References: Excel Boarder Properties with PowerShell , How Can I Use Windows PowerShell to Automate Microsoft Excel?

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